Reports & Publications


Half-yearly financial report 2024
Annual financial report 2023
Annual financial report 2023 - ESEF Package (in Dutch)
Auditor's report 2023 (in Dutch)
Statutory annual financial report 2023 (in Dutch)


Half-yearly financial report 2023
Annual financial report 2022
Annual financial report 2022 - ESEF Package (in Dutch)
Auditor's report ESEF 2022 (in Dutch)
Statutory annual financial report 2022 (in Dutch)


Half-yearly financial report 2022
Annual financial report 2021
Annual financial report 2021 - ESEF Package (in Dutch)
Auditor's report ESEF 2021 (in Dutch)
Statutory annual financial report 2021 (in Dutch)


Half yearly financial report 2021
Annual financial report 2020 
Statutory annual financial report 2020 (in Dutch)


Half yearly financial report 2020
Annual financial report 2019
Statutory annual financial report 2019 (in Dutch)

Optional dividend
Information memorandum
Press release - announcement optional dividend - 21 October 2020
Special report of the Board of Directors 21 October 2020 (NL)
Report of the auditor regarding the contribution in kind 21 October 2020 (NL)


Half yearly financial report 2019
Annual financial report 2018 

Optional dividend
Press release - Result optional dividend - 13 May 2019
Information memorandum
Press release - announcement optional dividend - 24 April 2019
Special report of the Board of Directors 24 April 2019 (NL)
Report of the auditor regarding the contribution in kind 24 April 2019 (NL)


Half yearly financial report 2018
Annual financial report 2017  

Optional dividend
Press release - Result optional dividend - 7 May 2018
Press release - announcement optional dividend - 18 April 2018
Information memorandum
Special report of the Board of Directors 18 April 2018 (NL)
Report of the auditor regarding the contribution in kind 18 April 2018 (NL)


Half yearly financial report 2017
Annual financial report 2016


Half yearly financial report 2016
Annual financial report 2015 


Half yearly financial report 2015
Annual financial report 2014


Half yearly financial report 2014
Annual financial report 2013 


Half yearly financial report 2013
Annual financial report 2012


Half yearly financial report 2012
Annual financial report 2011


Half yearly financial report 2011
Annual financial report 2010